1400 GSM Microfiber pulas loop beberesih anduk nyerep tinggi mobil cuci anduk-E

Pondok Description:

1. Both sided twisted loops maximize surface area of towel and not only increase absorbency, but also ensure that water can be completely removed from vehicle surface with a single sweep while maintaining adequate friction with the surface.

2. stable and durable. recyclable

3.  lint-free, no pilling

4. Hard surface, easy to clean

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1400 GSM Microfiber pulas loop beberesih anduk nyerep tinggi mobil cuci anduk-E

microfiber pulas loop anduk

Tempat Asal: Hebei, Cina
Ngaran Brand: JieXu
Jumlah modél: JXTW-D
Bahan: Poliéster, 80% Poliéster 20% Polyamide Microfiber
Fitur: Sustainable, CEPAT-GARING
Téhnik: rajutan
Wangun: pasagi, sagi opat
Pamakéan: cuci mobil garing saatos ngumbah mobil
Golongan Umur: Sawawa
Libur: Poé Bapa, Taun Anyar Cina, Natal, Poé Paskah, Sukur, Lebaran, Orok Anyar, Lebaran Lebaran, Oktoberfest, Taun Anyar, Poé Valentine, Poé Indung
Usum: Sadaya-Usum
Ruang Ruang: Desktop, Ruang Tamu, Kantor, Ruangan Laundry
Ngaran Produk: Microfiber Twist Loop Cleaning Towel
Warna: Héjo, Biru, Oranyeu, Coklat Atawa Adat
Ukuran: 50*80CM, Atawa Batur
Beurat: 1400GSM
Logo: Numutkeun Paménta Pelanggan
Bungkusan: Tas Opp
Sampel Time: 3-7 poé
Ngaran: JIEXU
anduk microfiber twist loop (3)
Kadua sided twisted loops ngamaksimalkeun aréa permukaan anduk jeung teu ukur ningkatkeun absorbency, tapi ogé mastikeun yén cai bisa
sagemblengna dipiceun tina beungeut wahana ku nyapu tunggal bari ngajaga gesekan nyukupan kalawan beungeut cai.
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